Personal Info of Papists Sold
Back in April, a company called "Universal Museum Collections" was offering "free" cards featuring the Pope. These were described as "closely guarded" images of the J2P2, "near the end." The "Curt Jester," a blog with punditry from the Papist perspective, commented on the ad and linked to an article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer about the ads. The ads were pulled from the Plain Dealer because of complaints:
…the "free" cards are being used as an opportunity to market $11 rosaries - and that photo might not be as rare, or as recent, as the ad implies…
Universal Museum Collections ran its half-page ad in Wednesday's Plain Dealer. Newspaper officials said they will not run the ad again because of reader complaints.
When a reporter called Universal Museum Collections' toll-free number to ask about the free card, a telemarketer launched into a pitch for the rosary ($13.85, including shipping and handling) and added that a 5½x7-inch color memorial card, "blessed by a local priest with holy water from Rome, Italy," was included free.
Now, in today's DMNews, you'll find an ad offering for sale the personal information of 153,000 people who ordered the "free" card.
Universal Museum Collections — Religious
List Services Corp.
New List
Description: This file contains responsive individuals with traditional values who responded to an offer to receive Pope Prayer Cards, Pocket Crosses and other religious items. Many of them opted to pay for additional cards, custom lamination and more in response to a direct mail piece. These are ideal prospects for collectibles, ethnic, religious, fundraising and family offers. The average unit of sale is $9.
Selects: 153,000 last-3-month buyers and inquirers, monthly hotline, state, SCF and ZIP
Contact: your list broker or List Services Corp., 6 Trowbridge Drive, P.O. Box 516, Bethel, CT 06801
Phone: 203/743-2600
Fax: 203/778-4299
Here is the original ad (warning, mega size pdf).

Universal Media Syndicate
(Syndicated)--People of all faiths are flooding call lines
to get the emotionally gripping “Final Prayer and Blessing
of Pope John Paul II.”
With all the news surrounding the Pope’s passing, this
final “Prayer and Blessing” is being received as a lasting
sacred gift. Now, arrangements have been made to send the
free memorial prayer cards directly to all who mourn the
loss of the Pope.
The Vatican has authorized the release of these memorial
prayer cards which are being given away free for use
at all memorial services. It has been announced that
money can not be accepted for “The Final Prayer and
Blessing of Pope John Paul II.” Those requesting the
cards are only asked to help by volunteering $1 to cover
postage, handling and order confirmation
This special devotion pictures the
remarkably young looking Pope,
caught deep in reflection while praying
his highly favored papal Rosary,
a gift he was particularly fond of
blessing for special visitors to
the Vatican. The Pope’s touching
final prayer itself appears below
his image which appropriately
begins “I leave you now with this
“This closely guarded official
Vatican photograph is truly stunning.
It miraculously captures the
Pope near the very end of his long
Spiritual walk,” said John T. White,
Director of Universal Museum
Collections which has been granted special
permission to give the prayer cards away
free. “It is the most tranquil image of the pope
ever,” White said.
Because of his worldwide following, it can not be guaranteed
that there will be enough for everyone. But for at least
the next ten days from the date of this publication, all those
who request one will be assured of getting the special prayer
card free.
Universal Museum Collections is providing the information
needed for all to get the Pope’s free memorial Prayer
Card along with information on how to protect it. Readers of
this publication can call now 1-800-236-7918 Toll Free to
get the free prayer card. A controlled number of larger full
color laminated cards blessed with Holy Water from Rome
are also available free and have been specially reserved for
those requesting one of the special rose scented Papal
rosaries (shown, right).
Pope John Paul II gave his entire life in service and
dedication to people everywhere. And now, the world is
flocking to honor this humble man of God in the most fitting
way possible.
The release of these sacred gifts gives people everywhere
something special to remember him by. He was a great
leader and a truly great man of God.
The Pope’s Final Blessing is now being sent free to
use at all memorial services
Public to get free memorial prayer cards
© 2 0 0 5 U N I V E R S A L M E D I A S Y N D I C A T E ™ S P E C I A L A D V E R T I S E M E N T F E A T U R E U N I V E R S A L M E D I A S Y N D I C A T E , 5 7 0 1 M AY F A I R R O A D N W, N O R T H C A N T O N , O H I O 4 4 7 2 0
FREE: This is the closely guarded photograph of the late beloved Pope John Paul II taken by an
official Vatican photographer. It appears at the top of the special large hymnal size Prayer Card. The heart
wrenching final prayer is printed in its entirety below the Pope’s image, and is free to all who request it.
How to get them right now
The Vatican has authorized the release of the Prayer Cards to the general
public through the exclusive Universal Museum Collections. To get a special
prayer card and the papal Rosary delivered to your home call the National
Direct Hotline 1-800-236-7918, ask for Dept. PE4336.
Posted by chris at June 13, 2005 11:21 AM